Two detialed pencil drawings of the artists face and a white figurative sculpture made from found materials.

Kirrawee High School

Dharawal Country

The Metamorphosis of Narcissus

Collection of Works

Pen, found objects

My body of work is a self-portrait, an assemblage of miscellaneous sentimental artefacts representing childhood experiences and influences on my adolescent perception of the world. The set of drawers in my chest references Dali's The Burning Giraffe, conveying dormant echoes of my childhood and subconscious that compose my identity. Pointillist drawings expose imperfections in the texture of my skin, with each pore-like mark vulnerably unmasking the many experiences that have influenced my being. My work communicates both the sense of unease and instability of growing up, with its absence of control, and the optimism, vitality and wonder of entering adulthood.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Albrecht Dürer, Amy Fairleigh, Georges Seurat, Vernon Ah Kee, Colin Lanceley, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Salvador Dali.

ARTEXPRESS is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority.