A series of graphic illustrations of different shapes and sizes.

Bankstown Girls High School

Darug Country

A Child's Paradigm

Graphic Design

Clip Studio Paint, Huion Kamvas 16 graphic pen

In A Child's Paradigm, the characters and world that I created represent my own opinions and perspectives on the fragility of childlike innocence in a world of adult wars. ‘Childlike innocence’ is something deeply valuable to me, yet it is a battered concept. Using two parallel storylines in my body of work, I contrast the two characters’ worlds to  engage the audience in details and emotion, and in this way to build a new story in every individual. This work goes beyond my visual choices, and has become a mirror of the child in me.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: E ve, mocha, REDUM4, Yoneyama Mai, Emily Xu (emilyamiao).

ARTEXPRESS 2024 is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority, curated and presented by Hazelhurst Arts Centre.