Three small models of Japanese buildings accompanied by a series of six drawings depicting Japanese shop fronts.

Newtown High School of Performing Arts

Sanctuary: A Personal Exploration Through Japanese Architecture

Designed Objects

Digital art, watercolour

Japanese culture and my love for design and architecture inspired this body of work, with the concept and the rigorous process of creation providing their therapeutic haven. Using digital art and watercolours, I produced a series of studies of traditional Japanese shopfronts, the outward-facing, vibrant facades expressing how we present ourselves in our everyday lives. I juxtaposed these studies with the exploration of the raw, intricate models, which represent the personal, intimate inner world and the refuge that this culture has provided me.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Mateusz Urbanowicz, Hanabira工房 YouTube channel, and Richard Leplastrier.