A series of drawings of various sizes of faces of people surrounded by darkness, illuminated only by the device they are holding.

St Joseph's Regional College

Birpai Country

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Prismacolor pencils on paper

At first we were the ones holding smartphones in the palms of our hands. Now, it seems, we are held firmly in our smartphone's grasp. The concept underpinning my body of work stems from my concerns regarding the ubiquity of screens in contemporary society and the irony of being isolated when you choose not to engage in social media. Also, I am fascinated with the human face and, in particular, the gaze. Through chiaroscuro portraits examining individuals absorbed in their devices, my work conveys the disconcerting, isolating nature of people’s dependence on screens and social media.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Marco Mazzoni, Jesse Lane.

ARTEXPRESS 2024 is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority, curated and presented by Hazelhurst Arts Centre.