Four images featuring female figures, each drawing elements from different religious icons and iconography.

Ascham School

Saint X


Digital photographic print

Inspired by iconic religious art, my body of work explores the shift in moral values in our 21st century society; characteristics and behaviours once perceived as flawed or corrupt have been repackaged into a glorified form that we idolise and aspire to. My work represents a new generation of deities with personas that embody these destructive modern ideals. I encourage the audience to question whether these traits are really worthy of worship.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Petra Collins; Phillip Prokopiou; Jason Ebeyer; Filip Custic; Benedicte Piccolillo; Furmaan Ahmed; David LaChapelle; Frederik Heyman; Brian Vu; Takato Yamamoto; Cacti Thorny; Carla Rendon and Jessica Ruiz (Crajes); Aya Shalkar; Leigh Bowery; Salvador Dali; Frida Kahlo, Self-portrait as a Tehuana.