A comic book style illustration accompanied by toy like small sculptures and stickers of the characters..

Colo High School

Darug Country

You and Me Against Ourself

Graphic Design

Digital print, PLA plastic, acrylic paint

Levelling up: within the context of a game; to improve or advance oneself
Throughout life, we are constantly ‘levelling up’ as we conquer our fears. My Body of Work is an interpretation of my own journey battling fears at different stages of my life, proposed through the narrative within a video game with supporting merchandise. The game’s main interactive character represents my present self. Her objective is to protect her younger self from the monsters encountered on each level, where each monster is symbolic of one of my past fears. As the game advances, the younger self matures by unlocking elements of strength and experience, making discoveries and overcoming adversity.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Yusuke Nakano, Ken Sugimori, Drew Struzan, Chris Ryniak.

ARTEXPRESS 2024 is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority, curated and presented by Hazelhurst Arts Centre.