Three small, black framed paintings of potted house plants witting in window frames.

Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Senior Campus

The Window: A Still Life


Acrylic paint on wooden panels

Throughout our lives, we carry memories of our homes, friendships, and unique stories. My body of work is an exploration of childhood memory and friendship. It expresses a fleeting, translucent vision of my relationship and attraction to nature, with almost dream-like afterthoughts of emotions in the hazy atmosphere. My work is inspired by a Danish house where friendship was formed. Plants sit in terracotta pots positioned in window frames. Each plant and pot represent memories that have been eroded, covered in the bloom of time.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Catherine O'Donnell, Leo Robba, William Robinson, Lucy Culliton, Rachel Miln, and Francis Bacon.