A series of paintings of ships on bodies of water.

Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Senior Campus

After the Battle: Pervading Memories


Acrylic on canvas

My great-grandfather, Eric Clement Seale, was assigned in World War 2 as a military camouflage artist on Goodenough Island, Papua New Guinea. Camouflage involves varying degrees of abstraction, and in my body of work I experimented with the disintegration of the lines between actuality and emotion. I explored the emotional effects of places of great significance on our lineage, through an anomalous use of palette knives and painting mediums, varying the balance between abstraction and realism. My work highlights the intertwining, in the context of profound experiences, of the narrative of departure to return, and emotional pragmatism to uncertainty.

ARTEXPRESS was a joint partnership between The New South Wales Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority in association with Hazelhurst Arts Centre.

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An artistic orange brushstroke design forms abstract shapes on a white background. Overlaid on the design is the word "artexpress" in a sleek, modern black font. The orange brush strokes appear dynamic and free-flowing, with splatters and tapered ends.Simplified waratah flower in deep red colour with the words NSW Government in dark blue stacked underneath.