A sculpture with three peaks constructed from thin wooden sticks, the sticks are linked and adorned with other sticks and string, as well as leaves, shells and other natural elements.

Killarney Heights High School

Safe to Shore


Mixed media: bamboo, timber, wire

My body of work explores the relationship between nature and the constructs of architecture. My anxieties around stability and my fascination with motion, gravity and negative space are expressed through the fragile and temporary nature of the work. Strings and bridges connect each structure to the others. These links represent connectedness and solace in a time lacking permanence. Elements of the natural world, such as leaves, sticks and natural textures, merge with symbols of dials, DNA and satellites, referencing the modern world and human interference, yet also how nature is eternal and withstanding.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Alexander Calder, MC Escher, and Isabelle Bonte.