A series of white flowerlike porcelain sculptures on oval plates.

The King's School

Darug Country

Orchid Deities


Southern Ice porcelain clay

Orchid Deities is a ceramic response to the timeless motif of the orchid. With over 28, 000 species it is one of the most diverse family of plants in the world and is found almost universally. Exploring the elegance, intricacy and delicacy of fine porcelain I examined the concept of symbiosis, where the orchid cannot survive without its symbiotic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi and used this concept as an exemplar of humankind and nature intertwining. My body of work represents the melding of the orchid with the human figure, using surreal forms that are both decorative and sensual.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Diana Svensk, bloom bloom FLEUR, Juz Kitson.

ARTEXPRESS 2024 is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority, curated and presented by Hazelhurst Arts Centre.