Five drawings of an x-ray of a guinea pig.

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School

Bundjalung Country

Effects of unintentional mistreatment


Prismacolor on paper

I am an advocate for giving guinea pigs a voice of their own through art. Guinea pigs are pets that are supposedly easy to care for. However, if they are injured, and people realise the effort required to treat their injuries, they are often abandoned into the many overflowing guinea pig rescues. My body of work represents how their bodies suffer the physical effects of unintentional harm inflicted on them due to misinformation spread by the media. This work is a tribute to guinea pigs unintentionally harmed through wrong advice, based on real x-rays that bluntly display their wounds.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Cj Hendry, Banksy, Ai Weiwei.

ARTEXPRESS is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority.