Three panelled pencil drawings of a horse and female rider.

St Mary's Catholic College

Bundjalung Country

Communication, Teamwork, Trust


Graphite on paper

My body of work investigates the universal concept of connection. My intention in featuring both animals and humans in my work was to blur the roles of instructor and learner in this deep, symbiotic relationship and to represent the lessons humans can learn from animals. I added interest to my work by incorporating elements of chiaroscuro, using the balance of light and dark to convey how opposites coexist harmoniously. I invite the audience to consider the innate wisdom animals possess and the lessons they teach us.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Maria D'Angelo, Mary Ross Bucholz, Jeanne Cardana.

ARTEXPRESS is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority.