Five panels of text and graphic collage and a small booklet.

Loreto Kirribilli

Gamaragal Country


Graphic Design

Photographs, Photoshop

My body of work, Individuality, conveys the struggles of identity for non-binary people and the LGBTQ+ community overall. Each piece represents someone who is non-binary or has a fluid identity. I covered original photographs of pride festivals with the derogatory texts that have been used against the queer community, illustrating the years of oppression the LGBTQ+ community has faced. My intention was to investigate what is not discussed enough in the modern day. Pairing the photos with elaborate texts, and using opposing palettes for each piece, my work examines the link between authenticity and camp style within the LGBTQ+ community.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: David Carson, Christian Thompson, Erwin Olaf, Leigh Bowery, Gerhard Richter.

ARTEXPRESS is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority.