In this delightfully droll Henry James adaptation, the lives and routines of the puritanical Wentworths of Boston are upended by the not-so-welcome arrival of European cousins one golden autumn. Lee Remick shines as the snooty and calculating Eugenia, a Baroness whose marriage to a German prince is on the fritz—while her dapper brother Felix pursues one of the Wentworth daughters.

With a witty script by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (A Room With a View), the first in Merchant Ivory’s Henry James triptych explores the social clashes between America and the Continent.

In this 40th anniversary re-release, produced by James Ivory himself, the period trappings have become synonymous with Merchant Ivory productions.

Director: James Ivory

Starring: Lee Remick, Robin Ellis, Wesley Addy

Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Screening dates and times:

  • Monday 10 March: 6:00 PM
  • Thursday 13 March: 2:00PM*
  • Sunday 16 March: 11:00 AM

*When available Thursday screenings are subtitled for our hearing-impaired audience members, ensuring an inclusive experience for all.

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